Wiley X® TAG-1 tactical gloves-TAN
The highest quality tactical gloves are 新品 by many military and police units all over the world. They are made of a mixture of Kevlar and Nomex (20/80) what guaranties high fire, temperature resistance and attempts of cutting. In the situation of contact with fire, the gloves’ fabric is fireproof, it burns without fire, this means that it smoulders, it does not melt or stick to the skin. The Nomex and Kevlar cut resistance guaranty extremely durability against the cutting of the fabric.
The knuckles are protected with a stiff protector and it is covered with Kevlar. Thanks to the proper profile it does not limit the freedom of movement. The inner part of the glove was made of natural goat leather what ensures a secure grip and a high comfort of use. Additionally, the places which are especially vulnerable to abrasions were reinforced with an additional layer of leather.
WILEY X グローブミリタリーグローブ
WILEY X グローブミリタリーグローブ
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